Anchor Element


Name: Anchor

Type: HTML Element

The <a> element is used to create hyperlinks to other resources. It is placed around text to produce a clickable area that will open the webpage or other link.

*DEPRECIATED*: The <a> element was formerly used to create anchor points on a webpage, hence the "anchor" name. The anchor point would then allow a link directly to that point by adding a "#name" to the end of a URL for that page.

This has been supplanted by the "id=" Attribute in current HTML, with the method of linking being the same.

href = URL of destination link
*DEPRECIATED* name = assign the name of the anchor point

<a href="">This is a link to my homepage!</a>

<a name="start">
This is a paragraph to start the webpage.

<a href="#start">This will link to the starting paragraph.</a>

Current HTML Example:
<p id="start">
This is a paragraph to start the webpage.

<a href="#start">This will link to the starting paragraph.</a>